EFT is a very powerful tool used to reduce anxiety, pain, depression, PTSD, and phobias! Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) identifies energy meridians (channels) running through our body, and specific points along these abstract lines that we can target to address energy blocks and imbalances. Acupuncture, a more widely known TCM tool that goes back thousands of years, uses needles to stimulate these points. EFT asks us to swap needles for our fingertips and gently tap on them to achieve similar results.
Chinese medical theory states that the meridians are connected to our internal organs, including our brain. By tapping on these spots rapidly and repeatedly, we allow Chi (life energy) to flow through the body with ease and help clear any blockages. The goal being to relieve stress, anxiety, anger, phobias, cravings, or any high emotional state. The key is to tap while speaking your issues out loud until you notice your verbiage changing to releasement.
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